Senin, 19 November 2012

CMOS Toggle Flip Flop Using Push Button

The circuit below uses a CMOS dual D flip flop (CD4013) to toggle a relay or other load with a momentary push button. Several push buttons can be wired in parallel to control the relay from multiple locations.
 A high level from the push button is coupled to the set line through a small (0.1uF) capacitor. The high level from the Q output is inverted by the upper transistor and supplies a low reset level to the reset line for about 400 mS, after which time the reset line returns to a high state and resets the flip flop. The lower flip flop
section is configured for toggle operation and changes state on the rising edge of the clock line or at the same time as the upper flip flop moves to the set condition. The switch is debounced due to the short duration of the set signal relative to the long duration before the circuit is reset. The Q or Qbar outputs will only supply about 2 mA of current, so a buffer transistor or power MOSFET is needed to drive a relay coil, or lamp, or other load. A 2N3904 or most any small signal NPN transistor can be used for relay coil resistances of 250 ohms or more. A 2N3053 or medium power (500 mA) transistor should be used for coil resistances below 250 ohms. The 47 ohm resistor and 10uF capacitor serve to decouple the circuit from the power supply and filter out any short duration noise signals that may be present. The RC network (.1/47K) at the SET line (pin 8) serves as a power-on reset to ensure the relay is denergized when circuit power is first applied. The reset idea was suggested by Terry Pinnell who used the circuit to control a shed light from multiple locations.

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