This circuit was constructed to control the pump in a garden pond, so
that it automatically turns on at dawn and off again at dusk. Not only
does this mean that we don’t have to get cold and wet when turning the
pump on or off manually but it’s also one less job for our kind
neighbours when we go away on holidays! The controller is powered from
the pump’s existing 25VAC mains transformer. A bridge rectifier (BR1)
and 1000μ F capacitor provide DC power to the circuit. For dependable
operation, this is regulated to +12V by a 7812 regulator (REG1), while a
red LED (LED1) provides power-on indication. The light sensor (LDR1) is
a Cadmium-Sulphide photocell obtained from Tandy Electronics. The
photocell forms a voltage divider with trimpot VR1.
With no light on the photocell, the voltage on the base of Q1 is greater
than 0.6V and therefore it is switched on. When light falls on the
photocell, its resistance decreases, lowering the bias voltage on Q1 and
switching it off. This in turn allows Q2 to switch on, energised the
relay and turning on the pond pump. In use, the 2.2MΩ trimpot is
adjusted so that the pump cuts out at the desired light level. A 47μ F
capacitor across LDR1 prevents transient light changes from affecting
circuit operation. S1 is a miniature SPDT centre-off toggle switch,
allowing the pump to be turned on or off manually, or switched to
automatic mode. The circuit was constructed on a small protoboard from
Dick Smith Electronics (Cat. H 5604) and housed in a bulkhead box, which
was then attached to the transformer housing. The photocell was
soldered to a length of figure-8 cable and sheathed in a short length of
heatshrink tubing to form a light probe. This was attached to a nearby
fence post to provide suitable exposure to sunlight.
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